Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy Birthday???

So I went into Boston last night with Joe Lyle, my roommate from last season and my buddy Scott McDougall along with some other people to celebrate my 24th. Everything was great we had an awesome time and it was good to let loose and have some fun with everything being so hectic lately. On the drive home I had the scariest experience of my life without a doubt. Driving home with Joe in my passenger seat and Scott a few cars behind us we were in the middle lane, it was raining pretty hard so I was in one of the slow lanes. Out of nowhere I see a car about 200 feet ahead of us in the middle of the road facing the wrong way. I tried to swerve out of the way, avoided 2 cars pulled my E brake but couldn't avoid a 3rd car, hit him then within a split second saw headlights coming flying at us. I yelled to Joe to get ready for another hit and BAM! A lady hammers us from behind. At that point I looked around, my head was foggy from hitting the roof of my car, adrenaline flowing but still very woozy from the accident. Joe was able to help me get out of my car and over the the side of the road and I find a 5 car mess that turned a 4 lane highway into 1. When all of the sudden we hear more screaming tires and more crashes, 4 more cars joined the pile up and Scott was one of them.

Within minutes one of Greatr Boston's busiest highways was closed, traffic backed up for miles with ambulances, police cars and fire engines all over. After a few minutes of not knowing what to do I was strapped to a backboard and taken away in an ambulance with Joe right next to me. Scott was lucky to walk away with alot less damage to his car. My car looks like an accordian, the front end is all smashed up and my trunk is in the backseat. We were rushed into the hospital and taken right away, they were running tests on my head, back and kidneys they weren't sure if there was any internal damage and wanted to make sure. It was the scariest night of my life. The doctor in the ER said me and Lyle shouldn't have been able to walk away from a wreck like that, but because we play hockey and are in good shape our cores were able to absorb most of the blow.

So here I am three weeks before training camp with a very badly injured back and concussion symptoms. An entire summer of hard work and sacrifice was almost completely lost in a matter of seconds. Now I'm just hoping I'll be able to skate when camp opens. I'll be doing everything I can to get back to full health and be ready to storm into Danbury opening night on November 1.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are okay. We look forward to seeing you at the DIA!

Patty said...

Wow, How scary. Having been in an accident myself, I know how fast things happen. I am glad that you are ok and I will keep my fingers crossed that you will be on the ice and in training camp when it starts. I do not follow the league that you are playing in but do enjoy reading your posts. Good luck to you in your quest.

Patty said...

Oh and Happy Birthday!

Jerry Savage said...

Dude, I'm really sorry to hear about this. I hope that you're feeling better soon. Happy Birthday, as well!!